Tom McGee
Assistant Scoutmaster:
Bob Carpenter
Jim Taggart
Frank Brogden
Thomas Flournoy
Matthew Chubb
Jack Martino
Brad Miller
Bob McCarty
Steven Kozlowski
Colby Culbertson
Troop 76 meets Thursdays 7:00PM to 8:30 pm
(feel free to stop by and check us out)
Trinity Alliance Church (Cologne & Moss Mill Rd.)
101 S. Cologne ave
Galloway Twp.,NJ
Troop 76's charter organization is American Legion Post 430 Galloway, and has been a part of scouting and Galloway Township for more than 50 years. Troop 76 has helped cultivate some of our areas finest community leaders, business leaders, and eagle scouts in the region. Troop 76’s leaders have more than 30 years scouting experience, and pride themselves on instilling scouts with the timeless values of the Boy Scouts of America.
Troop 76 has designed a scouting program that truly prepares young men for life.
This troop is an active troop.
We regularly camp out (every month), take day trips, hikes, perform service projects, and attend summer camp.
Join the excitement!
Day hikes
Camping on the beach
Participation in council wide scout skills competitions
Roosevelt Scout Reservation (summer camp)
Order of the Arrow
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Resources Merit Badge Requirements Jersey Shore Council Official BSA Equipment Boy's Life Magazine View Troop 76 Galloway in a larger map | Troop 76 Eagle Scouts  Robert Reitmeyer | 1989 | John Martino | 1991 | James Taggart | 1991 | Andre Johnson | 1992 | Richard Waite | 1992 | Wilson Kline | 1997 | Jason Wescoat | 1998 | Robert McCarty | 1997 | Mattew Ring | 1998 | Ryan Price | 2003 | Ronald Garbutt | 2005 | Richard Huenke | 2005 | Christopher Wheeler | 2005 | David McMahon | 2006 | Brian Garbutt | 2007 | Sean Schilder | 2007 | Anthony Paone | 2007 | Christopher Ellis | 2009 | William Flournoy | 2010 | Brad Miller | 2011 | Jason Sartorio | 2011 | Aidan Kaye | 2011 | Matthew Chubb Jake Berger | 2012 2013 | Justin Houston Justin Deissler James Culbertson Steven Kozlowski | 2015 2016 2016 2016 | |
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