Party with a Purpose
Former Senior Scout (now current Ambassador Scout), Inaya G., obtained her Girl Scouts Gold Award, which is the highest Award a Girl Scout can earn. Due to Inaya's love of children and interest in issues affecting women and children, she chose to complete a project pertaining to foster care and domestic violence as they relate to children. All too often, children who are affected by domestic violence and foster care have to deal with "adult issues" rather than being allowed to just be children. Inaya wanted to provide children with a temporary "mental escape" from domestic violence and foster care while allowing them to reclaim their innocence and enjoy being children. She hosted a Virtual Trivia Night and Yoga Event held on Friday, May 14, 2021 and a Drive-Thru Distribution of Gifts, Prizes, and Lunch Event held on Saturday, May 15, 2021 for foster children served by Guardian Angel Community Services and the children housed in its domestic violence residential facility. The stress management activities/yoga were the sustainable aspects in that they provided educational components (such as self-awareness, self-regulation, conflict resolution, mindful decision-making, empathy and healthy relationship building, and increased focus and concentration) that the participants will be able to use well into the future.
Congratulations to Inaya G.! She has now obtained all three of the Girl Scouts Highest Awards (Gold, Silver, and Bronze).
Trivia entertainment was provided by:
Yoga instruction was provided by:
Gold Level Supporters:
Silver Level Supporter:
Reginal D. Miller, Sr.
Bronze Level Supporters:
Deldri R. Dugger
Celene Nigro
Tonya & Camilla Thompson
Other Supporters and Donors:
The Gray Family
Susan Parris Ray
Audrey Schultz
Lynn Smith
Julie Gilmartin
Various Girl Scouts Fall Sale supporters
Various Girl Scouts Cookie Sale supporters
Honoring Our Women Military Heroes

On Saturday, November 9, 2019 from 12:00pm to 2:00pm at the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center (3001 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, IL 60064), the Scouts and parents of Girl Scout Troop #75142 hosted an event to honor women veterans in celebration of Veterans Day. The event consisted of music, food, fellowship, and games --- all in honor of the sacrifices women United States service members have made to defend our country. The Loyola University Rambler Battalion Color Guard performed the Color Guard ceremony at the event. Donations received from the members of Girl Scouts Service Unit 736 benefited the Women's Residential Program at the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center.
Girl Scout Troop #75142 received publicity from Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana for the event. PLEASE CLICK THIS LIVE HYPERLINK TO ACCESS THE BLOG POST.
Exclusive Platinum Sponsor:
Platinum Food Sponsor:
Food Sponsors:
The Vernon Hills, Illinois Location
Prize Donors:
Continuing the Conversation: The Fight Against Modern Day Sex Trafficking

The Parents of Girl Scout Troop #75142 along with their Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts and the Lewis University Women's Studies Program co-hosted Continuing the Conversation: The Fight Against Modern Day Sex Trafficking, on Friday, March 29, 2019 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in the Academic Building (AS-151-A) at Lewis University in honor of Women's Studies Awareness Week. The event consisted of a screening of the film, I AM JANE DOE, and a panel discussion followed. The event's purpose was to continue the conversation pertaining to the fight against modern day sex trafficking. Panelists included Shavon Ramos (sex trafficking survivor); Mary McGavin, MSW, LCSW (Chief Operating Officer at Guardian Angels Community Services); Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart; United States Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL; 11th Congressional District); and Megan Brooks (Chief Investigator for the High Tech Crimes Bureau at the Will County State's Attorney's Office).
Continuing the Conversation: The Fight Against Modern Day Sex Trafficking Sponsors
Exclusive Platinum Sponsor:
Tokens of Appreciation Sponsor:
The Darien, Illinois Location
Exclusive Graphic Design & Printing Sponsor:
I AM JANE DOE - Sex Trafficking and Implications for Today's Youth

The Parents of Girl Scout Troop #75142 along with their Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts, the Lewis University Women's Studies Program, and the Spirited Pearls Foundation co-hosted I AM JANE DOE - Sex Trafficking and Implications for Today's Youth, on Thursday, October 11, 2018 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm at St. Charles Borromeo (North Campus) at Lewis University in honor of the United Nations' observance of International Day of the Girl Child. The event consisted of a screening of the film, I AM JANE DOE, and a panel discussion followed. The event's purpose was to explore sex trafficking, its implications for today's youth, and to offer useful tactics and informational resources to combat this issue. Panelists included Shavon Ramos (sex trafficking survivor); Mary McGavin, MSW, LCSW (Chief Operating Officer at Guardian Angels Community Services); Sherri Hale, Esq. (Trial Attorney for the Office of the Will County Public Defender and member of the Spirited Pearls Foundation); Megan Brooks (Chief Investigator for the High Tech Crimes Bureau at the Will County State's Attorney's Office); and Alyssia Benford (co-founding partner of Benford Brown & Associates, LLC; candidate for State Representative of the 98th District; and member of the Spirited Pearls Foundation).
The event received media exposure. Read the article here: Girl Scouts host powerful discussion about sex trafficking
I AM JANE DOE - Sex Trafficking and Implications for Today's Youth Co-Hosts:
I AM JANE DOE - Sex Trafficking and Implications for Today's Youth Sponsors:
Exclusive Platinum Sponsor:
Exclusive Graphic Design & Printing Sponsor:
Exclusive Platinum Food Sponsor:
The Cadettes of Girl Scout Troop #75142 participated in a woodworking workshop on January 21, 2018 at Rockler Woodworking & Hardware (Bolingbrook, IL) in fulfillment of their "Woodworker" badge. The Cadettes enjoyed making their tablet/cellphone stands. "Thank you" to Mark Hubl for being such a gracious host and to John for teaching the Cadettes new skills.
The Cadettes of Girl Scout Troop #75142 participated in their Service Unit's annual Jamboree event during the weekend of July 28-30, 2017. The Cadettes camped at Village Hall, participated in the Flag Ceremony, built camaraderie with other Scouts, ice skated, shared their Silver Award video project with all in attendance, watched a movie (Boss Baby), and earned badges during the weekend. It was a fun weekend had by all!

On Sunday, April 30, 2017 from 2:30pm to 4:30pm, The Parents of Girl Scout Troop #75142 hosted Don't be mean behind the screen: Perceptions of cyber-bullying and tactics to address it. The workshop's purpose was to explore the perceptions of cyber-bullying and to offer useful tactics and informational resources to combat this issue. The interactive workshop was conducted by Megan Brooks (Chief Investigator, High Tech Crime Bureau) from the Will County State's Attorney's Office. Scouts from Troop #75142 presented the video they created to address cyber-bullying, and the event provided a vehicle for the fulfillment of the requirements for the Silver Award as they ventured through their MEDIA journey. The event was followed by a "meet and greet" dessert reception. This event was open to those who are ages 9 and older.

Don't be mean behind the screen Sponsors:
Gold Sponsor:
Silver Sponsor:
Bronze Sponsor:
Bolingbrook Lions Foundation
Cyber-Bullying Expertise Sponsor:
Exclusive Creative & Printing Sponsor:
Exclusive Design Sponsor:
Videography Sponsor:
Exclusive Interactive Media Workshop and Music Video Sponsor:
Exclusive Photography Sponsor:
Food Sponsors:
The Darien, Illinois Location
Exclusive Decor Sponsor:
Exclusive Floral Sponsor:
Scouts of Girl Scout Troop #75142 participated in an interactive media workshop at Street-Level Youth Media on Saturday, December 10, 2016. The Scouts enjoyed creating and performing their own lyrics, working in the recording studio, and video-recording.
Scouts of Girl Scout Troop #75142 prepared and served lunch at Ronald McDonald House in Winfield, IL on Sunday, April 10, 2016.
The Junior Scouts of Girl Scout Troop #75142 embarked on a journey called aMUSE, which enabled them to explore the roles that women play in life and within their communities;the stereotypes that women encounter; and how the media contributes to the perpetuation of stereotypes about women. A panel discussion was held, and it consisted of women from various walks of life who took various career paths. Scouts served as moderators for the panel discussion. Panelists included: Laurie Underwood (Designer on Project Runway - Season 14 and Owner and Designer of Wanda Grace); Jenna Kandah (5th grade teacher at Oak View Elementary School); Esq. Sherri Lynn Hale(Attorney at Law); and Jihan Murray-Smith (Owner of Tea & Crumpets Chicago).
The panel discussion took place on Sunday, March 20, 2016 at the Fountaindale Library in Bolingbrook, IL, and it was followed by a “meet and greet” dessert reception.

aMUSE Panel Discussion Sponsors:
Gold Sponsor:
Bronze Sponsor:
Design Sponsor:
Food and Beverage Sponsor: