Pack  | | | | Welcome to the official website of Cub Scout Pack 205 in Middletown, NJ!! | 2021 - 2022 Events - Thursday, 9/23 @ 5:45pm FIRST PACK MEETING, Nut Swamp School: We'll kick off the year with a live animal show from Eyes of the Wild, including some exotic animals. Bring a friend!
- Saturday, 10/16-Sunday 10/17 CUBTOBERFEST, Quail Hill Scout Reservation in Manalapan: A fun-filled program put on by Monmouth Council, including BB Gun & Archery, wagon rides, games of skill, Ultimate Frisbee, a Halloween costume parade, and more! Go for the day or stay over night for our Fall Pack Camping Event. Copy & paste this link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080E4CABAF2da0f49-cubtoberfest
- Thursday, 10/21 OCTOBER PACK MEETING, Nut Swamp School: Pumpkin painting and Halloween-themed activities. Wear your costume!
- Thursday, 11/18 NOVEMBER PACK MEETING, Nut Swamp School: Award Ceremony to recognize the Scouts' many achievements over the past year.
- Thursday, 1/20 JANUARY PACK MEETING First Responders
- Friday, 1/21-Sunday 1/23 FROST VALLEY CAMPOUT, an annual favorite for many!
- FEBRUARY PACK MEETING: Pinewood Derby: Friday, 2/25 Check-in; Sat 2/26 Race Day begins at 10am! Check email for details.
- Thursday, 3/17 MARCH PACK MEETING: Blue & Gold Scout Games
- Thursday, 4/28 APRIL PACK MEETING: Scout Stations, outside Nut Swamp, 6-7:30pm
- Sunday, 5/1, 1:30pm, Holmdel Park - MAY PACK MEETING: Crossing Over Ceremony
- Saturday, 5/14 PACK COMMUNITY SERVICE: Park Cleanup, Lincroft Acres
- Thursday, 6/17 JUNE PACK MEETING Rockets & Recruitment
New Pack Meeting Rules: Minimized to one parent and no siblings with scout. All attendees wear masks. Sanitize hands before/after the meeting and whenever necessary. Scouts to line up by dens and social distance. Parent must stay with scout. Do not attend the meeting if you have any symptoms that could be COVID-19 or if you had any contact with someone that is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19. Do not attend if you are in a higher-risk category. Leadership Opportunities: - Leader's Meetings are usually on the first Thursday of each month in the evening (all are welcome)
- Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) and Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) on October 2-3, 2021. (Any parent can do this training)
- Cub Scout Leadership Training (in-person) October 9, 2021; Online training is also available (for Den, Pack, Committee roles only)
- BB Gun and Archery Training April 2, 2022
- Council Roundtable Meetings are the first Monday of each month at 7:30pm. Please reach out to your den leader if you are interested in attending these informational sessions.
List of all Dens by Grade, Level and Leader: Kindergarten, Lions - Laura Wilkinson Den 3: First Grade, Tigers - Ted Dallhoff Den 4: Second Grade, Wolves - Mike Arnone Den 1: Third Grade, Bears - Tom Cogan Den 5,6,11: Fourth Grade, Webelos - Joe Frazzitta, Patrice Halpin, Paul Russotto and Chad Schorr Den 8: Fifth Grade, Arrow of Light - Katie Gonzalez Pack T-shirts for Sale for $10 as follows: Youth Sizes (quantity): Small(9), Medium(11), Large(11), XtraLarge (18) Adult Sizes (quantity): Small (8), Medium (5), Large(3), XLarge(3)
| Existing Scouts, To Re-register: Click here to go fill out and submit the Google Registration Form. New Scouts, To Join: Please email us at Pack_205@yahoo.com. Pack 205 is run by parent volunteers. Please ask your den leader how you can help out! "Many hands make light work." | | |